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About boarding

Heathfield Boarding Summer Camp

For Girls aged 8 to 15


Heathfield’s Boarding Camp promises a great deal of fun for everyone. The combination of great activities on our social programme and living with other girls from Britain and from overseas provides the chance for campers to sample boarding school life.

All boarding summer camp girls attend the normal summer camp days and then join our international students for the evenings. If they’ve chosen to stay for longer than one week, they will then join in on our fun weekend activities as well!

The younger girls have shared rooms. Older girls, from the age of 11 or 12, sleep in single rooms with wash basins.

In the boarding houses girls are looked after by our Senior Housemother and a team of pastoral staff, all of whom sleep near the girls.

Why choose Heathfield Boarding Summer Camp?

Heathfield’s Boarding Camp promises a great deal of fun for everyone. The combination of great activities on our social programme and living with other girls from Britain and from overseas provides the chance for campers to sample boarding school life.

  • Girls only – a unique course where we can offer the activities and sports the girls love and where great friendships flourish.
  • A small, established course – Experience – Heathfield’s 30th year of running its own Summer Camp with a range of qualified teachers, specialist coaches and enthusiastic young activities staff.
  • Boarding fun – the chance to try life in a boarding school and make friends with girls from Britain and all around the world.
  • First class care and welfare – the overall staff to student ratio is 1:6; housemothers and one of our school nurses are always on duty, and safety and security are priorities.
  • Activity and creativity – a huge range of sports and activities are available every day and girls can take home what they make in art, craft, photography, floristry and cookery.
  • Excellent dining room service – a good range of hot and cold dishes, salads and puddings and break-time snacks.
  • Excellent staff continuity – we get to know our girls and their families and give personal service.
  • Shows and Exhibitions – the chance, if you live nearby, to see what your daughter is doing and be part of her summer fun.
  • Beautiful, safe location – we have tree-lined, spacious grounds and excellent, modern facilities.
  • Helpers – former Summer Campers are part of our team to help welcome girls and look after them throughout their stay.

What to bring?

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What the girls say

Camp was really cool – thank you! I enjoyed ALL the activities – everything was perfect.

Eliza - 13

I love fun things like house competitions and house performances.

Tatiana - 10

The horse-riding was fantastic! The stables were so close by and I loved the horses I got to ride.

Keira - 12

Overall, I liked trampolining and kayaking the best. The staff were lovely.

Matilda - 11

I love it all, especially drama and the shows.

Indi - 7

Why Choose Heathfield

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An amazing experience that your daughter will cherish forever

for girls aged 7 to 15

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What the girls say

Camp was really cool – thank you! I enjoyed ALL the activities – everything was perfect.

Eliza - 13

I love fun things like house competitions and house performances.

Tatiana - 10

The horse-riding was fantastic! The stables were so close by and I loved the horses I got to ride.

Keira - 12

Overall, I liked trampolining and kayaking the best. The staff were lovely.

Matilda - 11

I love it all, especially drama and the shows.

Indi - 7

Why Choose Heathfield

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An amazing experience that your daughter will cherish forever

for girls aged 7 to 15

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