Make payment
Please ensure you have followed the how to apply instructions before making payments
Payment Information
Day Camp a non-refundable deposit of £56 for each child is required (which is deducted from the full amount) – Balance of fees is due by 12th June 2023
Boarding Camp a non-refundable deposit of £150 for each child is required (which is deducted from the full amount) – Balance of fees is due by 12th June 2023.
Payment should be made by internet banking. Our bank details are:
Barclays Bank plc
Sort Code: 20-02-87
Account Number: 60459666
Account Name: Heathfield Summer School
Reference: Please give your daughter’s surname and first name
We also accept payments via Childcare Voucher schemes – please contact us to check details.
When we receive the Booking Form and payment, an invoice and detailed Information Sheet to help you prepare for your daughter’s visit are sent with confirmation of your booking.
Download the Day Camp Information or the Boarding Camp Information.
What the parents say
An amazing experience that your daughter will cherish forever
for girls aged 7 to 15